Setting a Course for Freedom


FICM Teaching & Training


1. Training to Take People Through the Steps to Freedom in Christ - Part 1


2. Training to Take People Through the Steps to Freedom in Christ - Part 2


3. Can You Really Overcome Entangling or Besetting Sins


4. Cultivating a Praying Life


5. Freedom in Christ with Judy King


6. Change Thinking by Embracing Truth


7. How to Bring the Message of Freedom in Christ to Your Church Leadership


8. Working With Church Leadership XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX


9. Learn How to Use FIC Materials XXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX


Our desire is that folks find their freedom in Christ!  In keeping with the principle of personal responsibility, we know it is what the individual believes that either sets them free or takes them into further bondage (by the way, there is no middle road).

This platform allows for the appropriate level of coaching and encouragement. An individual must alone do it, but they need not do it alone.  Our experience is that 80% of all believers can resolve 80% of their issues on their own - praise the Lord!  We believe with coaching, the percentages increase dramatically as the Lord heals in community.

We can almost guarantee that you will receive freedom from ongoing oppressions and bondages in your life if you will commit whole heartedly, in humility and submission, with full transparency and in faith, to taking all your personal and spiritual conflicts before your Heavenly Father in a process of discovery, confession and repentance. 

This process will include discovering, with the Holy Spirit’s help, any and all lies you may believe about yourself and your relationship with your Heavenly Father and with your position in Christ Jesus and any unresolved sins you have committed or are continuing to commit. 

Believing lies and having unresolved sin in our lives results in degrees of spiritual separation from our God, which is spiritual death.  Our Heavenly Father dearly desires for us, His beloved children in Christ, to be fully restored to full and intimate fellowship with our God and Savior, which is the essence of spiritual life.