Keys to Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness

Welcome to Keys to Health, Wholeness and Fruitfulness from Freedom Courses
This course is based on the course Keys to Health, Wholeness and Fruitfulness (KHWF) produced by Freedom in Christ Ministries International. There is a participant guide that is required and available from Freedom in Christ Ministries.
Note that KHWF touches on all three of the elements of the discipleship process. The discipleship process addresses three key elements - truth, turning, and transformation.
In full disclosure, the videos of KHWF are available on YouTube free of charge. That may be sufficient for your purposes.
However, this platform from Freedom Courses adds a number of components that are designed to enhance individual or group engagement by participants, coaches, and leaders throughout the course.
Please note that this course is under construction. If you are interested in supporting Freedom Courses, check out the various ways in the Get Involved selection above.
Tabs are used below to navigate through the material. The Journey Map tab provides the table of contents for the particular session. For the Home page (this page), the Journey Map tab contains the table of Contents for the entire course. If you need technical assistance or have feedback, please fill out the form under the Help! tab.
Give everything a try!